unlike previous films, which i usually skipped the plot details, i shall do so for this film, as it touches n inspired me. the plot: the queen was a truly respectable woman. the King of England (King Henry VIII), on the other hand, is like chess piece, being played by the elder Boleyn girl (Boleyn is a surname). the queen's miscarriage had caused her unable to bear children. the younger Boleyn girl was then sent to the Court (castle) to be the king's mistress. the king fell in love with this goodhearted girl. on the day their son was born, the king falls into the trap of the elder Boleyn girl. n the goodhearted Boleyn girl was sent home together with her son, back to the countryside. as the elder daughter of the family, yet failed to capture the king's heart, the elder Boleyn girl vowed to revenge n have the king for herself. her plan of owning Power n Position succeeded n she became the new Queen of England. as for Love, he blamed her for everything that she had made him do n for the country that's falling apart because of her. she was raped before their marriage, instead of made love to. as much as i dislike her role, i shed tears for her when her head drops on the execution stage. their brother, too, was executed because of a misunderstanding caused by her.
it is only so far Greed can lead us. so much adventure, paid with so much pain. she only realized when she was sentence to death, but what good does that do ?? it doesn't seemed worth it now, doesn't it ??
some backgrounds on the movie:
- author: Philippa Gregory
- director: Justin Chadwick
- released: 2008
- casts: Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, Eric Bana
- language: English
- genre: History/Romance
In every empire, there is always something like this kinda story.....
the green gown is very shiny leh!!!!!!!!!!!!=)
ReplyDeleteI noticed caps on 2 of the 3 main evils.
ReplyDeletekljs: the plot itself, i suppose is rather similar. but as the way it was presented, could be surprisingly touching !! ;)
ReplyDeletejoshua: there are many shinny gowns in this film. green, red, blue, gold .. you name it. it is all about Royalty n looking grand. ;)
marcus: as for Lust, she doesn't possessed it. the king, however, definitely has it. moving from one mistress to another. *twitching eyebrow*
ahhh.. but all it takes is just one of the 3 to destroy the world. She already got 2.
ReplyDeleteI never watch this movie before, but I did realise that in most of the empires, will have such similar cases like this movie.
ReplyDeleteBut is kinda sad for the elder boleyn girl being executed...
Most of the time, it is touching........ or something like that.......
ReplyDeleteI hate movie where the actor has more than one lover
ReplyDeleteWhy you guys so flowery heart one??!!
marcus: she did destroy the country for making the king broke of their bond with Rome. n also destroy herself ..
ReplyDeleteakira: somehow she proved that she deserved it. it is because she had finally awaken from her mistake n blindness.
kljs: it seemed that you're more expert than i'm. should refer to you next time. ;)
elezend: blinded by Lust it is. i guess these type of men can't control the beast within them. :P
not so like shinny gown............coz my eyes will looks like this
Yeah, but you wont be like her right? Just joking~ hehe... ^^
ReplyDeletejoshua: seriously. haha. i think they looked rather attractive !! XD
ReplyDeleteakira: hopefully not !! but i guess we do learn along the way, as long as it's not too late. ;)
Hopefully not? I prefer you not to be!!! Guess what, I prefer you to have a love ones beside you rather to have this tragic incident...
ReplyDeletei love the thought of that too. thank you so much for your blessings. you're such a charm. ;)
ReplyDeleteWe are buddies! So I need to support and bless you all the times...
ReplyDeleteBut sometimes I need to take some moments to figure out what you wrote in the post, I'm quite embarrassed at that...
i'm probably at fault too. i admit being rather difficult at times. my emotional thingy, if you get me. ;)
ReplyDeleteSo that's why I wanna get to know more about yourself too! And here goes my quote again, May the force be with me... *dang dang dang*
ReplyDeletegeorge lucas' copyright again !! XD to understand me, herm .. yea, you probably need the "Force", whole lot of it !! *stab n run* :P
ReplyDeleteweeeeee natalie portman~~
ReplyDeleteYeah, I need the Force! And Psychic power maybe? *wink* Last time when I was a kid, I always dream myself to be a Jedi Master! Hahaha...
ReplyDeleteorange: so you're a fan !! :D she's the villain of this film though. hehe.
ReplyDeleteakira: you've been watching too much star wars !! "yoda you are one" .. XD
ReplyDeleteHmm, Yoda huh? Okay, maybe I can pretend to be him during I was a kid, but now, no no no, I prefer to be Darth Vader! Haha!