Wednesday, September 24, 2008


just when you thought that someone is important to you, you kinda Assume that you are as important to them as well. yet little signs n actions of theirs, cruelly awaken you from dreaming - you may not be as important after all.

me being around too often is probably the main reason she kinda took me for granted. i was left feeling like some backup. well, it's not like i'm gonna do anything about it in particular, but it does hit me rather harshly. an unavoidable punch straight in the face. n somehow, i find myself purposely ignoring her need, things i noticed n would usually respond to it ..



  1. [just when you thought that someone is important to you, you kinda Assume that you are as important to them as well. yet little signs n actions of theirs, cruelly awaken you from dreaming - you may not be as important after all.]


    If I am important to her, I don't think she will make the decision to leave me. :)

  2. Agree to what you said above... Some friends are like that too...

    Gosh, a beautiful photo!!!

  3. You put what I am feeling at this point of time into words, no that? and the statement I like the most is the quote Deimos like too.

    [quote]just when you thought that someone is important to you, you kinda Assume that you are as important to them as well. yet little signs n actions of theirs, cruelly awaken you from dreaming - you may not be as important after all.[quote]

    I guess I've always overated the importance of myself. I thought that they care for me the same way I do, but not at all. They always say that they love and care for me, but what they do doesn't seem so. What I need, what I want, what I feel do not matter,and they never bring a damn. Even if I die, perhaps they just cry for 1 min, and nth else. It hurts so much to love them the way I do, and turn around seeing how much they don't care. T_T

    I wish I were able to read and understand people's state of mind, so that I wouldn't be having one-sided love for them. Life is being a joke with me, I think.

    Sounds so pathetic? =( I hope not

  4. deimos: aw, she did not !! hang in there deimos, hoping you the very, very best here.

    akira: sadly yes. n somehow, it feels so much better to know that you're not as important as you thought you are, until something happens, which ended up breaking you. gee ..

    barbie: nah, i believe feelings are true if you let them explore freely on its own.

    i guess sometimes it just took some time for the naive-us to realize that we are dreaming. or more accurately, we were hoping that we would be important to them, which the result show otherwise.

    sad, but it'll be worth the ride, to actually realize .. before its too late.

  5. Hrmm... I get that all the time too, ever since I can remember. You put someone on top of your best buddy list (for example) but in return you are actually not on top of *their* list.

    Sad but true. I can't guaranteed that I've not done something similar to others as well, since I don't know. It happens to me who think of someone as my best friend, but it might happens to others who think of me as their best friend but i didn't think of them the same way...

    On the side note... INTERNETZZZZ!!! I wonder if my boss will allow me to stay overnight in the office so I can use the Internet or not. I woke up this morning to find out the net is still down and I can't do a damn thing about it. Maybe I should put up a sign at my blog that says blog maintenance down until further notice.

  6. This is the reality of life, we cannot change about this...

    But the good thing is, we still can treat our friends to the best, aren't we?

  7. [aw, she did not !! hang in there deimos, hoping you the very, very best here. ]

    She did! Though at the moment, we are still sharing the same room and bed. -_-

  8. rollakid: that's when communication come in. talk things out if something causes doubts. not that i did that very well myself, but i've gotta try. the confrontation thingy may not be pleasant, but if it's what it takes ..

    stayed in the office overnight ?? you're not serious, are you. that sounds .. scary.

    akira: if you can bear with Not asking for return. i can't accept though. it must be a 2 way relationship for things to work. for me, at least.

    deimos: n there is still hope !! you're married if i remembered correctly ??

  9. For me, it depends... But mostly I will accept that... Friends are truly needed in this life..

  10. akira: friends are needed, but only True friends matters. those that take you for granted, or just to get something out of you, are you sure you wanna your friendship to be one sided ??

  11. Haha, take me for granted? I don't think it would be an easy one... Hahaha.. Better beware of me 1st, because I'm a typical scorpio...

  12. akira: *whispers* the evil side resurfaced .. than don't say "mostly I will accept that", because i know you won't. :p
