Saturday, January 24, 2009

Award: Spread The Love

Spread the Love Award

received the "spread the love" award from -kriscell-. feels like a community linking instead of an award. gonna pass it to a couple more bloggers.

- akira - akira ~~the world~~
- barbie - princess barbie's fairytopia kingdom!
- cometh - benard cometh revelations
- foongpc - my very first blog
- joshua - tech, review, computer and how to
- oms - oms 返屋企
- sharon - pynk-candy
- 佩雯 - 雯中学生涯
- 宝茹 - 飞翔 tales from asia and beyond


  1. Think of it as a award where you spread your love and in the same thing linking up fellow bloggers whom you love and like :)

  2. Wow, I got an award from you!!! That's so nice!!! Hehe...

    新的1年开始, 祝好事接2连3, 心情4季如春, 生活5颜6色, 7彩缤纷, 偶尔8点小财, 烦恼抛到9霄云外! 请接受我10心10意的祝福. 祝新春快乐!!! 新年快乐哦!!!

  3. thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx
    oh~so many thx...haha xD
    thx again! ^^

  4. Hi, thanks for the award/tag! Have a good CNY holidays! : )

  5. kriscell: it sure is worthwhile linking bloggers we enjoy their company. thanks again! :D

    akira, oms, foongpc: you deserve it! definitely on my favorite blogger list. :D

  6. Thank You Levian :)
    My 1st award from you. Really made my day.

    Hugs and Kisses

  7. Hug princess Levian a thousand times! ^ ^ Lovely imperial award ^ ^ *muack* Thks princess! Glad to be one of the nomineessss :P
