Monday, March 15, 2010

World Destruction: Sekai Bokumetsu no Rokunin
ワールド・デストラクション ~世界撲滅の六人~ (2008)

World Destruction: Sekai Bokumetsu no Rokunin

in a world where humans were slaves to the beast-men, he alone held the power needed to destroy the world. tagged along with her coincidentally, they set out for a journey to free humans from slavery. it was an interesting plot the anime shared. their adventure fighting the beast-men was a refreshing view.

some background on the anime:
- episodes: 13
- director: Shunsuke Tada (多田俊介)
- released: 2008
- language: Japanese
- genre: Adventure/Fantasy

World Destruction (Screenshot)
World Destruction (Screenshot)

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