ARIES (3/21-4/19)
as stress accumulates, they feel like escaping the reality. with the extra money they get, they will travel n dress themselves up nicely. making full use of their luck n chances, life is all about enjoyment. they are impulsive, imaginative, confident, n constantly making sure that they are enjoying life to the fullest.
TAURUS (4/20-5/20)
they are conservative, steady n mature. with the extra money they get, they will ensure that their life is well planned ahead. they will start with insurance, for both themselves n the family, or invest in houses or lands. they are very homey, thus most of their considerations will linger within this area.
GEMINI (5/21-6/20)
they are the car-people. with the extra money they get, they will spend it on cars. some would even go to the extreme of saving on food just to own the ride they love. they like to drive around, relaxing n enjoying the view. it is best advice to stay away from their car.
CANCER (6/21-7/22)
they are very homey. with the extra money they get, they will use it for house decorations, making it unforgettable for those who visits. they are sentimental beings, they will not spend on getting a new place, but only renovating the old ones. they like the house to be simple, elegant, n full of memories.
LEO (7/23–8/22)
they are rational, they always know what they want. with the extra money they get, they will start with getting a place for the family, n invest the rest on their dreams n interests. they will most probably start a business according to their interest, n expand from there. they are best with what they like.
VIRGO (8/23–9/22)
they pay great attention to their appearances. beautiful things give the greatest impressions. with the extra money they get, they will spend it on buying things, satisfying their urge for luxury. usually they are the saving ones, not the spending ones, thus it is now the chance.
LIBRA (9/23–10/22)
they are afraid of losing time n youth. with the extra money they get, they will first make themselves look young n attractive. they will not skip a trip to the beauty centre or on beauty products. age n money is not a problem, but to live young n elegantly is their purpose of life.
SCORPIO (10/23–11/21)
they are always focus on one thing at a time. with the extra money they get, they will spend it on that one thing they chase after. they are the extremist, they will give up everything for that one thing that they desire the most.
SAGITTARIUS (11/22–12/21)
they have great leadership. they are optimistic, passionate, n most of all, they love to present. with the extra money they get, they will organize a party n be the center of attention. n since they are good with socializing, they will then get what they want from the people that they gathered.
CAPRICORN (12/22–1/19)
they are very prudent, they calculate n analyze especially money. with the extra money they get, they will spend every cent carefully. every expenditure has to be worth its value. neither will they put all the money in bank, they will invest equally in many fields, just so the profit can be maximized n the risk minimized.
AQUARIUS (1/20–2/18)
they love shopping the most, let it be the guys or the girls. with the extra money they get, they will most probably go for shopping, enjoying the freedom to spend on anything they want. they will fill the closet with everything they can, from clothes, to shoes, to accessories, etc.
PISCES (2/19–3/20)
they are very romantic. they love to create sentimental mood with the lover. with the extra money they get, they will bring their lover to somewhere far, traveling, enjoying the sunset, a walk on the beach. they will make full use of the environment to create a romantic mood.
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