Saturday, July 23, 2011


Fruits (SE Vivaz)

it was difficult not to be hindered, but it has become increasingly easier to get by. she used to thought it was impossible until recently, where she embraced the induction, welcoming it as penance as well as consolation. the consequence of failing to achieve it at first strike, but also a proof that she was still breathing n fighting. it was a reminder of both her arrogance n weakness, n if she ever forgot that hard lesson, she knew she would be hammered in even more brutally than before. a sequel she had absolutely no doubt of. so instead of staying safely within her comfort zone of ignorance, she reached out for it, stretched so far until her muscles screamed silently in protest underneath her skin, with the confidence of how it eventually will become part of her to hold her in place.



  1. Pushing oneself and doing what we initially thougt we are incapable of - thats what make us a better person.

  2. "she reached out for it, stretched so far until her muscles screamed silently in protest underneath her skin, with the confidence of how it eventually will become part of her to hold her in place."

    Love both the physical and symbolic meanings in that sentence!

    Great shot too, Levain! Love tomato's!

  3. P.S. Ooops, did it again.....Levian
