Monday, April 23, 2012

Ben-To (2011)


Sato was a poor highschool student who lived in the dorm. he sought out cheap food at the local market and found himself beaten up to a semi-conscious state where he can't remember what happened. his memories slowly recovered after witnessing the hazard of the half-priced lunchboxes (bento), local residents and students battled each other for the discounted food every night, and only the strong remained victory.

despite the simple plot that sounded lame when first introduced, the anime remained surprisingly entertaining throughout the series. its main attraction was its dramatic fighting scenes over the discounted food that seemed awfully exaggerated yet easily acceptable. before known, it became highly addictive that even we felt like throwing our punches for a box or two. there were some harem (ハーレム) in the anime but all the girls had their own characteristics that made it interesting and distracting at the same time, which was an absolute add.

some background on the anime:
- episodes: 12
- director: Shin Itagaki (板垣伸)
- released: 2011
- language: Japanese
- genre: Action/Comedy


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