Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Life Happens (2011)

Life Happens

Kim was a party girl until an one night stand resulted in an unexpected pregnancy. after giving birth to a baby boy, she confronted the father and found out that he wanted nothing to do with the baby. continued living with her 2 housemates, Kim struggled to return to the dating world by doing multiple part-time jobs. at the same time, she and her best friend Deena got into fights because of their different lifestyle, where Deena continued to party while Kim looked after her baby.

with little expectation towards the film, it was somewhat entertaining and lighthearted to watch. while the men played little role throughout the show, Kim was quite a lovable character. her party girl personality was slowly transformed after stepping into motherhood despite how much she didn't want the baby. her struggles and growth only make her a better mother in the end. the film focused on the challenges a single mother had to overcome to live a balanced lifestyle.

some backgrounds on the movie:
- director: Kat Coiro
- released: 2011
- casts: Krysten Ritter, Kate Bosworth, Rachel Bilson, Geoff Stults, Justin Kirk, Fallon Goodson, Andrea Savage, Kristen Johnston, Rhys Coiro, Jason Biggs, Seymour Cassel
- language: English
- genre: Comedy

Life Happens
Life Happens
Life Happens
Life Happens
Life Happens

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