the story evolved around the Shinmoto and Saitou family's siblings, both consisted of one elder sister and a younger brother. while Chiko and Chika Shinmoto were a bit narcissistic, Mako and Mao Saitou were more mysterious. the sisters were third year high school students, while the brothers were second years. the series followed random happenings in their everyday life, both in school and at home.
with only 5 minutes every episode, the series was a short one. there were little plot as the story was based on daily happenings to elaborate on. however, the simplicity was enough to have us laughing at their random punchlines and sometimes strange situations. while the characters barely stood out among one another, they were believable and reacted realistically as well, making the series fairly enjoyable to watch.
some background on the anime:
- episodes: 12
- director: Masahiro Takata (高田真宏)
- released: 2013
- language: Japanese
- genre: Comedy
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