Saturday, March 15, 2014

About Time (2013)

About Time

one day, Tim was told by his father that the men in his family had the ability to travel through time. the night after an unsatisfactory new year party, Tim decided that to return back in time in hope of changing what happened that night, getting himself a girlfriend. after plenty of work, she finally met a beautiful girl named Mary. they fell madly in love, but due to an incident that required him to travel back in time again, meant that he never met her at all. they met for the first time over and over again, until finally, he created the perfect proposal. he used time travel to save his wedding from the worst speeches, to save his friend from professional disaster, and a never ending list.

while it was very entertaining watching the film, the time travelling ability remained a very disturbing idea. while it was ideal to have a perfect love and perfect life, there were bound to be things one had to give up in return. there were plenty of humorous scenes with witty dialogues to get the story moving. the time travelling part of it perhaps more confusing than intended. fortunately, they film spent little time on explanations, keeping an even pace throughout the film, created little dull moments.

some backgrounds on the movie:
- director: Richard Curtis
- released: 2013
- casts: Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, Bill Nighy, Lydia Wilson, Lindsay Duncan, Tom Hollander, Margot Robbie, Will Merrick
- language: English
- genre: Comedy/Science Fiction

About Time
About Time
About Time
About Time
About Time

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