Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Non Non Biyori (2013)

Non Non Biyori

Hotaru was an elementary school student, who just moved with her parents from Tokyo to the countryside. attending a new school, she tried to adapt into the new environment, where there were only 5 students in the same class, but ranged from elementary to middle school. Komari was the eldest and very self conscious towards her unusually small size. Hotaru on the other hand, was unusually matured for a fifth grader. Natsumi was Komari's younger sister, who was always too lazy for anything.

the story was simple and straightforward, if not lighthearted. it followed the daily lives of four girls of various ages, who lived in the village, attending the same class. the happenings were random events that took place throughout their daily lives, most of them realistic and believable. despite the randomness, there were plenty of involvements from its characters, making them grew on us. the humor was lighthearted, even heartwarming at times.

some background on the anime:
- episodes:
- director: Shinya Kawamo (真也川面)
- released: 2013
- language: Japanese
- genre: Comedy

Non Non Biyori
Non Non Biyori
Non Non Biyori
Non Non Biyori
Non Non Biyori

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