Friday, February 22, 2008

Papa to パパと Kiss in the Dark (2005)

Papa to Kiss in the Dark

though non blood related, their official relationship is father n son. non officially, they are lovers. it is very sweet how the story goes. how he struggles to trust his father, a famous actor with a deceiving look. how they overcome the gossips spread by medias, building their trust towards each other. the ending is both touching n satisfying. a recommendation if you're into Yaoi (やおい).

some backgrounds on the anime:
- episodes: 2
- director: Nambara Ken (南原兼)
- released: 2005
- language: Japanese
- genre: Yaoi (やおい)


  1. yaoi topic owez involve complicated relationship.

  2. hehe. maybe because it is male-male relationship to start with. *whistle* :p
