Monday, February 18, 2008

Wedding Daze (2007)

Wedding Daze

at a fast glance, she looked kinda like avril .. the comedy is sweet, the chemical is in the air, the world is realistic n believing .. a perfect love story !! one that get my eyes wet when they finally got married. fate brought them together in such an impossible way, yet enough to proof that they belonged to each other ..

".. what i'm realizing is that i don't care, as long as i can do it with you. because i think you can, i think you can look across a crowded restaurant, n fall in love with a grubby stranger. n i think love can be instantaneous n insane !! .."
- phrases taken from the Wedding Daze.

some backgrounds on the movie:
- also known as: The Pleasure of Your Company
- director: Michael Ian Black
- released: 2007
- casts: Jason Biggs, Isla Fisher
- language: English
- genre: Romance