Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Spice and Wolf 狼と香辛料 (2008)

Spice and Wolf

a peddler traveling from town to town came across a wolf Goddess of Harvest. she was transformable into a girl, except for the tail n ears. he helped her returned to her homeland in the north, while along the way her wisdom helped increase his profits. an entertaining n humorous anime. the tail n ears were flashy enough to add attraction to the anime.

some background on the anime:
- episodes: 13
- director: Takeo Takahashi (高橋丈夫)
- released: 2008
- language: Japanese
- genre: Fantasy/Supernatural

- Spice and Wolf (2008)
- Spice and Wolf II (2009)

Spice n Wolf (Screenshot)
Spice n Wolf (Screenshot)

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