in an alternate world, Biscotti Republic was often attacked by Galette Kingdom. due to the constant defeat, Princess Millhiore of Biscotti summoned a Hero to save her country. she retrieve Shinku, an athletic high school boy from Japan. the people in Biscotti looked no different from humans, other than having dog ears n tails. the people in Galette however, has cat ears n tails. once arrived at Biscotti, Shinku received a sacred weapon called Palladion, which paired up perfectly with Princess Millhi's Excelide. Shinku soon learned that once summoned he could no longer return to his world, which Princess Millhi was also unaware of. Shinku adjusted quickly to the peculiar battle between Biscotti n Galette. instead of killing the opposing army, they were to defeat each other in sports-like activities. those defeated will temporarily turned into furballs to keep them disarmed. before they were able to find out a way to return Shinku to his world, he continued to win battles for Princess Millhi.
it was quite a letdown when what supposed to be a battle turned out to be some sports events, especially when the anime started out with a serious meeting between the Princesses n their captains. after a few episodes, i realized that it was also a Harem (ハーレム) anime. other than focusing on Shinku's love for gymnastics, there were also the love story between him n Princess Millhi. with its cute character designs, it would have been much more interesting if the battles were real. however the twist at the second half of the anime actually made it more acceptable since there were finally stories to be told.
some background on the anime:
- episodes: 13
- director: Keizou Kusakawa (草川啓造)
- released: 2011
- language: Japanese
- genre: Adventure/Fantasy

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