Saturday, December 17, 2011

Eden of the East: King of Eden (2009)
東のエデン: 劇場版Ⅰ The King of Eden

The King of Eden

the movie took off where the anime left it, it had been 6 months since Takizawa saved Japan from a devastating missile attack. he disappeared after the incident, leaving Saki behind, worriedly searching for him. she was led to New York, where she finally found Takizawa, but once again his memory was erased. the Seleção continued their games of taking over the world. one of them wanted Takizawa out of the way after his final request through the Noblesse phone system to be the King of Japan. he became a legend after the missile incident and they named him the Air King.

the movie was separated into 2 parts, with intentional confusion and fast moving storylines to keep the flow going. although the complications of the plot sometimes caused the confusion to be overwhelming and we were left feeling lost and unsure what exactly was going on. but all these conspiracies and life threatening situation did not make the movie boring or lack of funny scenes, there were even some touching ones. especially when the shy and awkward Saki was finally reunited with the carefree Takizawa, their sparks was more than enough to keep us entertained.

some background on the anime:
- episodes: 1
- director: Kenji Kamiyama (神山健治)
- released: 2009
- language: Japanese
- genre: Action/Mystery

- Eden of the East (2009)
- Eden of the East: The King of Eden (2009)
- Eden of the East: Paradise Lost (2010)

The King of Eden
The King of Eden
The King of Eden
The King of Eden
The King of Eden

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