Stevens was a helicopter pilot being sent on a mission in Afghanistan. but he woke up in an unfamiliar capsule. through a screen, Captain Goodwin from the Air Force explained to him that he was in an experimental device called Source Code. it allowed him to experience the last 8 minutes of a person's life in a past timeline. Stevens was instructed to use the Source Code to locate a bomb on the train, taking the identify of Sean Fentress, one of the travelling passenger. the train explosion occurred earlier that morning, and the bomber warned them that there will be another explosion happening soon, making the search of the bomber more urgent than ever. Stevens was sent into the Source Code many times until he finally found the bomber while developing strong feelings for Christina, Sean's travelling companion.
Stevens' job was very straightforward, he needs to find the bomber so to prevent the next attack. but despite the simplicity, despite only being partially original, the film managed to stay smart and entertaining until the very end. we had a tough time deciding who was the culprit, when it was finally revealed we were surprised with the switch of personality as well. not only Jake Gyllenhaal, but many of the supporting casts were so believing that it was easy to get connected with them. Source Code (2011) reminded me of a movie years ago, Vantage Point (2008), who also repetitively went back in time, but equally the loop didn't make it boring nor predictable, for each and every time was different. it got us so engaged with every cycle and every turn of the story, it was simply exciting!
some backgrounds on the movie:
- director: Duncan Jones
- released: 2011
- casts: Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan, Vera Farmiga, Jeffrey Wright, Michael Arden, Russell Peters, Cas Anvar, Craig Thomas
- language: English
- genre: Mystery/Science Fiction

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