Friday, February 03, 2012

Mayo Chiki! (2011)

Mayo Chiki

Kinjirou suffered from gynophobia. it caused his nose to bleed every time he had physical contact with females. also attending the same high school was a rich girl named Kanade and her butler Subaru. the handsome and popular Subaru was actually a girl in disguise, under the demand of Kanade. Kinjirou accidentally stumbled across this secret and was forced to protect Subaru by listening to instructions from the sadistic Kanade.

we enjoyed the anime so much that it was finished in a minimal sitting. it was humorous watching Kinjirou struggling to get away from any physical contact with the girls, yet so sweet seeing his nosebleed rarely occurred when Subaru was in his arms. the nosebleed scenes sometimes reminded me of Maria † Holic (2011), but unlike Maria † Holic (2011), i find Mayo Chiki (2011) truly enjoyable!

some background on the anime:
- episodes: 13
- director: Keiichiro Kawaguchi (川口 敬一郎)
- released: 2011
- language: Japanese
- genre: Comedy/Romance

Mayo Chiki
Mayo Chiki
Mayo Chiki
Mayo Chiki
Mayo Chiki

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