Mika lost her phone but later found it in the school library when an unknown number called her, causing the phone to vibrate. throughout their summer holiday, Mika and the mysterious caller continued to converse, bonding and agreed to meet each other once school starts. later she found out that the called was Hiro, a delinquent with dyed hair and piercing that Mika initially was afraid of. slowly they got to know each other and Hiro's ex-girlfriend Saki showed up.
despite looking like some innocent teen romance, the movie served as an eye-opener for Mika, where she experience first love, first heartbreak, first pregnancy, first miscarriage, etc. not to mention Hiro getting back together with his ex. which made the life of teenagers nowadays felt so devastating, especially for not being able to see what she was obviously getting herself into. in many ways, the film was both frustrating and disgusting when it came to Hiro. he seemed to never get punished for the bad deeds he did, maybe even earned a little something from it.
some background on the drama:
- episodes: 1
- director: Natsuki Imai (今井夏木)
- released: 2007
- cast: Yui Aragaki (新垣結衣), Haruma Miura (三浦春馬), Keisuke Koide (小出恵介), Asami Usuda (臼田あさ美), Karina (香里奈), Shohei Miura (三浦翔平), Haru (波瑠), Ryuji Yamamoto (山本龍二), Yumi Asou (麻生祐未), George Takahashi (高橋ジョージ), Yuuko Asano (浅野ゆう子)
- language: Japanese
- genre: Romance
- Koizora Movie (2007)
- Koizora (2008)
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