the warriors and samurais from the Warring period were sent through the portal and transported into the modern world. for every episode, the story followed one particular warrior, focusing on their exploration in the new world, getting amazed towards everything they encounter. when they finally met, they became great friends due to their adventure.
despite the travelling through portal part, the adventures these warrior had in the modern world were very believing, progressing from one discovery to another. although it was slightly slow paced, the storyline was brought out smoothly and presented in a way that it was interesting to watch. the beautiful warriors that took the form of random high-schooler, each with their own personality, was the anime's main attraction. but even though it doesn't exactly stood out as an anime, it was still enjoyable to watch.
some background on the anime:
- episodes: 26
- director: Keiji Gotoh (後藤圭二)
- released: 2012
- language: Japanese
- genre: Comedy/Fantasy

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