Street Fighter (1994) was based loosely on its video games by Capcom. Allied Nations was a military force led by General Bison, the drug lord. via a live TV broadcast, Bison demanded Colonel Guile, the regional commander, to secure a ransom for the hostages he captured while hold Guile accountable. Guile's assistant, Cammy was able to partially trace Bison's signal, determining his hideout. Bison planned to make full use of the the hostages to help him concur the world. Guile sought out more men to help him crush Bison's hideout.
many claimed the film to be bad, but from what we saw from its video games, i would say it represented the game fairly well! it wasn't believable but nor was the game, which in our view, made the film interesting! unfortunately there weren't much CGI or sleek costumes back in the 90s, which made the satisfaction of watching the game characters came to live slightly insufficient.
some backgrounds on the movie:
- director: Steven E. de Souza
- released: 1994
- casts: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Raul Julia, Ming-Na, Damian Chapa, Kylie Minogue, Simon Callow, Roshan Seth
- language: English
- genre: Action/Science Fiction
- Street Fighter (1994)
- The Legend of Chun-Li (2009)

The movie was good...but I was hoping that the director can make it more realistic. It was a tad comical.