Friday, May 10, 2013

Ebiten: Kouritsu Ebisugawa Koukou Tenmonbu
えびてん 公立海老栖川高校天悶部 OAD (2013)


Noya just transferred to Ebisugawa High School. he had always been fascinated with space and decided to join the astronomy club. however, he mistakenly walked into a wrong room and landed him in a all female otaku club. while he noticed that the members acted weirdly, he didn't suspect himself for walking into a wrong club room. soon his life became strange surrounded by them.

the series reminded one of Seitokai no Ichizon (2009-2013) along with all the craziness. the plot was somewhat extreme, but remained interesting and entertaining until the very end. the club was random, its character random, while the club adviser was a cat. with all the serious anime around, this series was far from being anything like one would expect in an anime. despite looking like a harem anime, the main female character turned out to be a cross-dressing boy, which was hilarious when the truth surfaced.

some background on the anime:
- episodes: 10
- director: Hideki Okamoto (岡本英樹)
- released: 2012
- language: Japanese
- genre: Comedy

- Ebiten: Kouritsu Ebisugawa Koukou Tenmonbu (2012)
- Ebiten: Kouritsu Ebisugawa Koukou Tenmonbu Specials (2012)
- Ebiten: Kouritsu Ebisugawa Koukou Tenmonbu OAD (2013)


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