Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cyclops Shoujo Saipu (2013)

Cyclops Shoujo Saipuu

having hit puberty in middle school, Fuuka grew really tall and had great a figure. she was called Saipu (Cyclops) due to her hairstyle. she felt great affection towards her older brother since she was a little girl and dreamed about marrying him when she grow up. now that she felt that she was adult enough to follow through her dream of marrying her brother, he only got more troubled and freaked out.

having only 2-minutes for each episode, the series didn't have much space to grow. despite the relaxing drawings, it was a pity that the storyline didn't have much depth to make its characters furthermore lovable. the plot was straightforward, where Fuuka tried very hard just to get on her brother's good side. with plenty of sexual humor, there was an awkwardness in Fuuka that made her difficult to dislike.

some background on the anime:
- episodes: 12
- director: Yasu Tora (寅ヤス)
- released: 2013
- language: Japanese
- genre: Comedy

Cyclops Shoujo Saipuu
Cyclops Shoujo Saipuu
Cyclops Shoujo Saipuu
Cyclops Shoujo Saipuu
Cyclops Shoujo Saipuu

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