Friday, January 24, 2014

Planes (2013)


Dusty was a cropduster plane that dreamed about being a racer despite his fear of heights. Dusty trained with his friend, Skipper, a veteran fighter, to join the Wings Across the World race. during the event, Dusty met with professionals across the world and made some new friends. there were also those that aimed to destroy him during the race. fortunately luck was on his side as he faced the obstacles to become the winner of this air race.

having high expectations for a Disney animation, we were surprised to find ourselves disappointed. having watched the Cars (2006-2011) series, we expected at least equal entertainment for Planes (2013). unfortunately, the film turned out to be every bit predictable and difficult to get emotionally engaged with. while Skipper reminded us of the lovable Hudson in Cars (2006), it was a pity to not see much relationship and character developments.

some backgrounds on the movie:
- director: Klay Hall
- released: 2013
- casts: Dane Cook, Stacy Keach, Brad Garrett, Teri Hatcher, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Priyanka Chopra, John Cleese
- language: English
- genre: Adventure/Comedy


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