Thursday, May 01, 2014

Hal (2013)


the story took place in a world where robots were used in life and therapy. Hal and Kurumi lived a romantic life until a plane crash ended it. Hal woken up feeling dazed and confused, programmed through the robot with a new mindset to comfort. with some reluctant meetings, attempting to make Kurumi happy again, Hal found out various things Kurumi left behind as clues. they started to open up to one another, sharing their pain of losing their memories of once a happy life.

the film packed a whole lot of emotions and love into it, inclusive of both before and after the plane crash. while Kurumi locked herself in her room, she spent her time trying to fix a video camera that taped moments of her life with Hal. for the first half of the film, the plot was puzzling, leaving us as confused as Hal. with Kurumi's recordings, the details finally surfaced, came together forming an overwhelming conclusion. the film was visually entertaining, with plenty of sharp scenes to dive through.

some background on the anime:
- episodes: 1
- director: Ryoutarou Makihara (亮太郎牧原)
- released: 2013
- language: Japanese
- genre: Romance


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