Friday, November 09, 2012

Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Dai 2 Maku (2012)
探偵オペラ ミルキィホームズ 第2幕

Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Dai 2 Maku

taken place in a future world, humans used Toys that granted them superhuman abilities, such as telekinesis and mind reading ability. this led to some minor crimes and the Toy-using detectives had to track down the offenders and bring them to justice. Opera ran a detective agency named Milky Holmes, together with 4 cheerful and energetic girls to help her out. Sheryl, Nero, Elly and Cordelia were the most popular students at Holmes Detective Academy. using their Toys and teamwork, the four girls were able to solve many cases.

there were plenty of random humor in the anime, some unfortunately, were not so funny at all. as suspected, the plot was far from being too serious with itself, mostly spontaneous if not redundant. the unique personalities of each character was what made the anime interesting. however, the repetitiveness of the humor only furthermore killed the already lacking storyline.

some background on the anime:
- episodes: 12
- director: Makoto Moriwaki (森脇真琴)
- released: 2012
- language: Japanese
- genre: Comedy/Mystery

- Tantei Opera Milky Holmes (2010)
- Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Dai 2 Maku (2012)
- Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Alternative ONE -Kobayashi Opera to 5-mai no Kaiga- (2012)
- Futari wa Milky Holmes (2013)

Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Dai 2 Maku
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Dai 2 Maku
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Dai 2 Maku
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Dai 2 Maku
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Dai 2 Maku

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