Saturday, May 18, 2013

劇場版 Tiger & Bunny Movie 1: The Beginning (2012)

The Beginning

the movie was put together and based on the first 2-episodes of the Tiger & Bunny (2011) series, with additional scenes. it was quite a letdown to know that there weren't new storyline for the series. fortunately, it did give so much more contents than its original first 2-episodes, mixing new materials with the old, making it seemed like an almost new experience for us. the delicious part was exploring Kotetsu internal struggle with the lost of his wife. instead of filling his character with anguish, he was shed some light, which made him relatable and easily drew sympathetic feelings towards him. side characters were also given more air-time in this installment, which was extremely enjoyable as they were so many unique characters under those beautiful armors.

some background on the anime:
- episodes: 1
- director: Yoshitomo Yonetani (米たにヨシトモ)
- released: 2012
- language: Japanese
- genre: Action/Science-Fiction

- Tiger & Bunny (2011)
- Tiger & Bunny Movie 1: The Beginning (2012)
- Tiger & Bunny Movie 2: The Rising (2013)

The Beginning
The Beginning
The Beginning
The Beginning
The Beginning

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