a fantastic fantasy adventure. i love the feeling portrayed by this film. the ending was quite disappointing as our suspension was built along the way throughout the movie, looking forward to the "perfect ending", n it didn't happen. but the adventure was mesmerizing nonetheless. the final scene's battle between the Gyptians, Witches, Ice Bears n Magesterium were so grand n overwhelming. Dakota presents all the curiosity n the courage of a child. n Nicole is sinister n stunningly beautiful.
Daemon are the soul of a human in physical form. they shape-shifts into different animal forms until they settled, which will be the final form of the child's soul. amazing little creatures that caught my attention. the film-makers did a Great job with them. they are so full of life n rarely ever static, they are Alive !!
some background on the movie:
- director: Chris Weitz
- released: 2007
- casts: Dakota Blue Richards, Nicole Kidman, Ian McKellen
- language: English
- genre: Action/Fantasy

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