Wednesday, December 31, 2008
MV Doulos.
the doulos came to kuching from December 10, 2008 until January 3, 2009 for a floating book fair. the ship was purchased in 1977 by the GBA Ships - a charitable organization registered in Germany. it visited more than 100 countries ever since. "bringing knowledge, help & hope". our visit onboard was short, for the weather was extremely humid. although the price was awfully cheap, we ran off after buying only 1 book.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Overnight Trip.
sri-aman may be a small town, but an overnight trip was definitely worth it. conquering every corner of the town, exploring unique local dishes, treated with delightful hospitality, taking in every possible scenery whilst enjoying each others' companion. a paradisaical getaway!
Monday, December 29, 2008
12 星座分析

白羊座 (3/21~4/20)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
holding tight onto the car bonnet, this tiny lizard kept me amused throughout the journey towards the office. one steady little fellow!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Hubs: Darth Vader / R2D2
the Darth Vader n R2D2 USB hubs is one fancy gadget! plug in a USB drive, R2 head will moves from side to side, light up n starts making beeping noises. Vader's eyes will glow red n breathes heavily while his head, too, turns from side to side. released July 2008.
Friday, December 26, 2008
King Centre Cafe 京城饮食中心
located at king centre, the Sarawak laksa served here gave the first impression of having extreme amount of beansprouts. though large portion, it was neither muddy nor spicy. not exactly a recommendation.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
a christmas eve filled with much rain, yet miraculously sheltered from every possible drop. standing among the crowd with the artificial snow n fireworks, it was a thrilling countdown. followed by the almost 12-hours enjoyable outing the continuous day, this christmas was extremely fulfilling!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
yuki (ゆき、雪)..
mum was yelling again. this time my punk caught a chameleon. throwing n chewing, he was having one great time!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Award: Lemonade

received the lemonade award from -kriscell- n -foong-. an award showing that i have the attitude of Gratitude! in blogging, the greatest gratitude we are able to share with other bloggers is by exchanging sincere comments n appreciating their effort to do so. constant readers are the best supporters ever!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Philips Luxe
philips' Luxe is a mp3 player/mobile phone headset.
the mp3 player's bluetooth can be connected to a mobile phone. the LCD strip will display the caller's number n automatically pauses the musics when the call is answered. it features an FM tuner, a 2GB/4GB onboard memory n 10 hours of battery life.
released in October 2008, available in Singapore in the end of 2008, it shouldn't be difficult to search for this cool gadget!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Rocket Cafe 火箭阁
first try wasn't too impressive. weeks later, the second try was delicious! finally enough portion of spiciness n muddiness, the Sarawak laksa served here is a recommendation. shop located near 2.5 mile, before the twin tower's traffic light.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
yuki (ゆき、雪)..
he was a perfect punk that night. neither blinking nor avoiding the camera. n to make the shots even better, he stole peeks of me as well!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
now may not be the most suitable season to head on down to the beach, but no rain is stopping me when a trip was offered. the veiled sun n the fierce wind charging our way, the gushing waves adding intensity to the picture.
with a gloomy heart, i set foot on the beach, taking in the coldness while still seeking warmth leaning against him. a trip worthwhile as i returned much relaxed. his efforts n patience soothed the crankiness within me.
Note: i'll be away for 2 days starting tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
USB Drive: Gundam
Buffalo released the Gundam-themed 4GB USB drive this November 2008. a character icon representing the drive will appear on the desktop when mounted. this series is called the "Swattars". definitely a huge attraction for Gundam fans!
Monday, December 15, 2008
being an impatient person, i'm no believer towards distance relationship. the constant communication over electronic equipments (or physical connection) is essential, n successfully avoided my paranoia-self from surfacing. despite the short separated duration of 5 days, the reunion was remarkably sweet! uncontrollably n finally within reach to throw a physical embrace, the restless waiting all turned magically worthwhile.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Peter Pan (2003)

the plot was the typical peter-pan plot. thought without surprises, the animated graphic was beautiful. flying through the sky, the galaxy is a little off, but the feeling is definitely exist. the scenes felt like it was taken out straight from the cartoon itself. awesome !!
Friday, December 12, 2008

"personalities based on birth date", its gonna take me eons to translate all 365 days. however if you're interested, do feel free to let me know n i'll be more than willing to translate the particular day for you.
1月1日 〔太阳☆魔术师〕 聪明、能干、外向、好动,好强而不服输,凡事都要争第一;不论在什么场合,都喜欢发号施令,指挥别人。优点是认真、负责任,企图心很强;肯上进,喜欢挑战新事物。缺点是性急,缺乏耐性;轻易做超出自已能力范围的承诺。
1月2日〔月亮☆女教宗〕 非常清楚自已的目标和方向,做任何事都要求完美;高度的工作狂,经常埋头苦干,达到废寝忘食的境界。优点是自我要求和期许很高,会自动自发处理事情,表现优异。缺点是给自已压力太大,无法放松;对事情太认真,近乎挑剔。
1月3日〔木星☆皇后〕 精力旺盛,意志坚定,做任何事都会坚持到底;不轻易妥协,会千方百计说服别人依照他的方式做事,给别人很大的压力。优点是负责尽职,重承诺,守信用;不喜道人长知,值得信赖。缺点是太求好心切,事情做不好容易感到沮丧。
1月4日〔天王星☆皇帝〕 聪明,善于分析和解决问题;懂得以最少的努力达到最大的成果;非常实际,注重纪律,做任何事都有一套自已独特的作法。优点是领悟力及创新能力强,擅长搜集信息、分析和研判事物。缺点是太注重教条和权威,对别人要求标准太高。
1月5日〔水星☆教宗〕 反应灵敏,做任何事都非常专注和认真;敏感、实际,个性独立,能够独立完成事情;碰到挫折很快就恢复,重新再开始。优点是直觉能力佳,好奇心很强,喜欢学习和吸收知识。缺点是过于自负,不愿求教于人;固执,缺乏弹性。
1月6日〔金星☆情人〕 内心充满了爱、牺牲和奉献;具有慈悲为怀的天性,温和、谨慎、敏感、感情丰富,具有艺术气质。优点是富有同情心,非常忠实、可*,值得信任。缺点是太过纯真,不切实际,会为爱自我牺牲。
1月7日〔海王星☆战车〕 有丰富的梦想和创意,并且能够付诸实现;意志坚定,对于目标能够坚持到底;行事谨慎、有计画,善于理财。优点是具有远见、想象力和行动力,不畏艰难,能够接受挑战。缺点是太过敏感,又比较孤僻,不容易和人亲近。
1月8日〔土星☆正义〕 非常执着、专注于某个领域,非常获得极大的成就;才能极佳,表现优异,具有迷人丰采和吸引群众的魅力。优点是尽力发挥所长;意志力和毅力强,非达成功不肯罢休。缺点是固执,缺乏弹性;给自已的压力太大,无法放松。
1月9日〔火星☆隐士〕 个性猛烈,有绝不屈服的性格,企图心强烈;把全部的精神放在事业发展上,具有高度的工作狂热。优点是聪明、机警、执着;做事有计画,讲究方法和效率。缺点是对自已丝毫不放松,固执而缺乏弹性。
1月10日〔太阳☆幸运之轮〕 诚实、大方、坦诚、直率,做事很干脆,说一不二;胆子很大,敢冲撞和冒险,懂得掌握机会采取行动。优点是脑筋敏锐,个性坚强;具领导能力,不断努力求上进。缺点是固执,缺乏弹性;不善交际,喜欢批评。
1月11日〔月亮☆坚强〕 意志坚强,非常能干,忠实可靠;具有非常好的分析、判断能力,善于评估、衡量事情的轻重和价值,受人敬重。优点是聪明,富同情心;具有很好的鉴赏能力。缺点是主观太强,主见太深,不容易接受别人的意见。
1月12日〔木星☆悬吊者〕 个性独立,具有非常好的领悟力;做任何事都充满热忱,但绝不莽撞,而是精心规画,全力以赴,因此都能达到专业水准。优点是具有丰富的创意和牺牲奉献的精神,专注于工作。缺点是比较独断或过于骄傲,自我的压抑比较大。
1月13日〔天王星☆死亡〕 精力旺盛,富侵略性,不断追求改革和自我提升;具有强烈的成功欲望,坚定的向目标迈进。优点是充满自信,不断鞭策自已努力向上,具行动力和爆发力。缺点是固执,太依赖自已的判断,不听别人的建议。
1月14日〔水星☆节制〕 聪明、灵敏,善于协调和整合各种事物;做任何事都有目的及计画,而且全力以赴;相当懂得自制和自管理。优点是具有很好的组织和管理能力,做事很有效率。缺点是个性太强,不易妥协,对事情的要求太严格。
1月15日〔金星☆魔鬼〕 热情、执着,个性非常迷人,具有艺术天分;拥有复杂的情绪,崇拜英雄,渴望自已也成为英雄人物。优点是聪明,有创作才华;有理想,有品味,成就欲望强。缺点是过度耽溺于物质享受,沉迷名利的追求。
1月16日〔海王星☆高塔〕 充满理想,追求高度成就;拥有丰富的创意和想象力,敢于冒险,但也会经历很多风险。优点是勤奋、认真,企图心强烈;具有很好的创作才华。缺点是给自已的压力太大,碰到挫折会抑郁不乐。
1月17日〔土星☆星星〕 有很大的野心,清楚了解自已追求的目标;具有无比的毅力,可以克服一切困难和挑战,获得成功。优点是个性独立、坚强、果断;踏实,勤勉,肯上进。缺点是霸道、专断、权威;孤独、固报,不愿与人合作。
1月18日〔火星☆月亮〕 喜欢冒险、开拓、接受挑战;具有孩子般的勇气,喜欢新奇和刺激,有许多新鲜的想法,也会以实际的行动去实现。优点是个性刚猛,行动快速;意志坚强,感情丰富。缺点是比较冲动、情绪化,过于天真和不成熟。
1月19日〔太阳☆太阳〕 活力充沛,自尊心很强,充满理想;聪明、能干,富领导力,有很好的人际关系;善于表达自已的意见,而且可以说服别人。优点是企图心旺盛,充满热忱和创造力;具独特魅力和影响力。缺点是追求的目标太多且分散,给自已太大的压力。
1月20日〔月亮☆审判〕 感情丰富,慷慨大方,喜欢帮助别人,非常热心;拥有很好的记忆力、领悟力及判断事物的能力。优点是才华很高,做事讲求方法,精确而实际;富有同情心。缺点是喜欢批评别人,不太愿意接受别人的意见。
1月21日〔木星☆世界〕 积极、主动、乐观、开朗,有很高的理想和抱负;具有迷人的个性,擅长社交,对许多事情都有独到的见解,具有说服力。优点是心智活泼,具锐利的观察力;喜欢交友,生活多采多姿。缺点是有时会犹疑不决,而且非常敏感,感情容易受伤害。
1月22日〔天王星☆愚者〕 非常理想主义,冲动,喜欢随心所欲过自已的日子;关心别人,喜欢聆听别人的意见,和别人分享及讨论自已的看法。优点具有非常好的创意、灵感及创作才华。缺点是太善变,情绪让人捉摸不定,碰到挫折容易沮丧。
1月23日〔水星☆教宗〕 聪明、灵敏,非常有个性;不是很傅统、守旧、正派,就是很独特、独树一格;非常崇尚自由主义,喜欢自由自在、不受拘束。优点是拥有许多新奇的创意及很好的技艺;口才好,善于沟通。缺点是想法太多,有些不切实际;太注重自我的形象。
1月24日〔金星☆情人〕 具有爱美的天性和迷人的个性,非常受欢迎;有很好的创作才能;浪漫,感性,善体人意。优点是主动、积极、热诚;人缘很好,擅长社交。缺点是太自我中心,自以为是,活在别人的赞美中。
1月25日〔海王星☆战车〕 喜欢新奇和变化,也喜欢冒险和尝试新事物;兴趣广泛,好奇心重,才华很高;会经历很多波折,需要坚强的意志才能克服。优点是有丰富想象力和杰出创意,在文学、艺术方面发展良好。缺点是比较放纵自已,生活的变化和起伏会很大。
1月26日〔土星☆正义〕 大胆、积极、主动,具有雄心大志,有强烈的使命感和正义感,坚持自已的理念,做任事都计画周详。优点是判断和决策能力佳,果断,行动快速,对自已充满信心。缺点是比较霸道和独断,喜欢指挥和驱使别人。
1月27日〔火星☆隐士〕 聪明、早熟,拥有非常好的天赋和才华;具有很高的领悟力和直觉能力;知识丰富,思想和行动快速。优点是心思敏捷,聪颖不凡;企图心强,坦白、率直。缺点是衡动、孩子气,比较不成熟,缺乏耐心。
1月28日〔太阳☆魔术师〕 聪明伶俐,具有很好的创造力,成就卓越;勇敢、大胆,喜欢冒险,野心很大,喜欢接受各种挑战,不断突破。优点是活力充沛,果断;兴趣广泛,口才极佳,长于外交。缺点是对自已有过高的期望,追求超过自已能力的目标。
1月29日〔月亮☆女教宗〕 个性独立,具有崇高的理想和远见;坚持信念,勇于表达自已的想法;感情丰富,具同情心,容易接受别人的意见。优点是具有很好的分析、判断能力及直觉力。缺点是情绪比较复杂,常无法在理想与现实间取决。
1月30日〔木星☆皇后〕 智能力很高,追求高度成功和成就;具有很好的领导和管理能力,艺术品味佳;口才伶俐,善于沟通。优点是聪明、灵敏,善于交际;具有很好的艺术天分。缺点是太注意自已的外表形象,无法容忍别人的不完美。
1月31日〔天王星☆皇帝〕 脑筋非常灵活,不断出新点子;个性冲动,具有天生的爆发力;思想、行为和作风自成一格,非常吸引人。优点是拥有极佳的创意和创新能力,才华高,受人羡慕和欢迎。缺点是非常善变,令人捉摸不定,喜欢标新立异。
Thursday, December 11, 2008
yuki (ゆき、雪)..
our bond had increased impressively. my punk didn't even show any reaction when i walked too close to him. usually his eyes would popped open far before we could move too near. feel like touching his exposed tummy but managed to hold myself back.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
USB Warm Gloves
office has been awfully cold! for that, we are keen with extremely thick sweaters n gloves.
Thanko (Japan) introduced a USB warm gloves - the "Kumasan" model, this December 2008. the gloves features built-in heat generator powered by USB connection. there are no price nor indication that it will be released outside of Japan, but this is definitely one cool gadget to look out for!
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Monday, December 08, 2008
another day going up n down the hill like a roller coaster. while i was still anxious on how it will turn out, things unfold surprisingly well. portraying the difference between those willing to work with you, n those who doesn't. an thrilling achievement indeed!
extra note: modem had been down for 2 days, 3 including today. however it isn't completely hopeless. temporarily using -piggy- 's modem while having mine troubleshooted.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Award: Cute's Blogger 2008

was given the award by -sharon-. was lucky enough to receive a 2008 award during its final month. supposedly to complete the tag ('random facts about myself') attached with the award, however i've completed similar tag multiple times.
again, thank you so much for the award!
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 (2008)
コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ

sacrificing oneself to unite the world. crying my eyes out watching the final episode - zero requiem. though i don't analyze anime by tactics or predictability, i was not left bored for any one episode. the anime is a huge recommendation. he banished the world from its Past n Present, to create a new world for the Future. he died shouldering the hatred directed to himself, whom was finally the king of Britannia, n passed the power back to Zero, the symbol of Justice!
Friday, December 05, 2008
a huge letdown when one randomly decides when n where to be friendly. tolerate n agreeable during basis stage of bonding; patience wore out in advancement, the invisible claws exposed. though sadden with the outcome; but grateful towards the incompetent skills thus exposed flaws.
悲しいた性格ついに発見する ..
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
the huge mummy cat came by one evening when my punk wasn't home. owned n unafraid of human, i rubbed it all i want while it just laid there enjoying the attention. Love is in the air!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
waking up hoping to be the image that pop into their mind, just as they popped into yours instinctively. but as time invisibly drift on by, truth continues to unfold itself following the previous struggle. Consistency took effort, often too much for some to handle. so the truth may be vicious, breathing may be gagging; the day flowed by like any other days. determine to absorb the impact, balance is finally regained.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Unicorn Gundam ガンダムUC: McDonald's
awesome paint job for ToysDaily's online contest, asking Gundam fans to paint the Unicorn Gundam (ガンダムUC(ユニコーン)).
Sunday, November 30, 2008
enjoying each others' companionship for a whole 12 hours, the air was filled with happiness almost effortlessly. throwing all doubts aside, though birthdays may just be another day for some, but apparently still essential to truthfully show one's importance in our heart. upon receiving a simple yet gratitude-filled sms, my day is finally Complete! mission accomplished.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
a meeting was held in silence. neither aggressive nor direct, he suggested ways matured enough to satisfy everyone. it was agreed that she behaved rather childishly work wise. he's was the only one willing to spend effort comprehending her. impressed, the exposed hidden skill continued to dazzle.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
DS Lite: Super Mario Bros.
i fall for it! i totally fall for it!
this Awesome looking Nintendo (ニンテンドー) DS Lite had only been released on the second half of 2008. however, it is a limited edition - the only version that was combined with the New Super Mario Bros. game.
for extra information, this game can only compatible with DS Lite n not the original DS.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (2006)
コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ

it was frustrating dragging myself through the first few episodes, trying to understand all the explanations n details. everything took a drastic change when the "Dark Knights" appeared. since then, i had been uncontrollably addicted till the very last episodes. a student masked n disguised as a terrorist leader, Zero, leads the Japanese rebellions against Britannia. with the power of Geass, he made others obey his orders. a typical terrorism turned out to be rather interesting!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
how will you react when some blogger just decided to ask you for money? for someone who didn't even placed effort to bond, asked me for $500 out of the blue, i was dreadfully offended. as if it's like, i'm foolish enough to fall for some sweet talk. i doubt the crumbled trust can be mended anytime soon.
Monday, November 24, 2008
yuki (ゆき、雪)..
a curious shot, with my punk looked slightly slanted from the camera. i can't recall what he saw on me either. or maybe there were dogs on the other side of the fence behind me.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
agitation n rapid breathing took hold of me within the short hours. all came too aggressively n brutally, not giving slight chance to regain strength. choked in paranoia. it has to happen this instance, breaking the contentment built in previous days. desperately holding it in, i was in no control of myself. saddens, soundless tears escaped smoothly down my cheeks. dumbfound, i voiced no excuses, successful in seeking for a cuddle or two.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
a hot n hectic day, but the adventure was filled with too much fun n excitement, left no room for complaints. nonstop walking leads to never ending exploration just within the plant compound itself. everything looks mysterious - complicated machinery n abandoned warehouses. we turned the place upside down. squeaking sound in every corner left us mystified, watchful for lurking shadows. with great leadership, he led us through every corner - climbed onto tanks so high, crawled under machinery so low. what was expected to be bored, turned out to be one heck of a ride!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Surf's Up (2007)

the animation was often compared to pixar's "happy feet" back then. solely because both animation are based on penguins. the plot isn't as catchy, but it doesn't make the animation any less fun. there were quite a few scenes that makes me jump in my seat, thrilled n excited surfing through the biggest waves with the penguins!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tag: 20 Questions

another tag spread by -雯- during her mass-tagging session.
(1) what's your ambition?
in life, to "live happily ever after".
(2) who is more important to you? friends or boy/girlfriend?
fear of lonesomeness, both are necessity for me.
(3) what kind of pictures do you like to take ?
natural laughter.
(4) do you think you have enough confidence?
no, i'm rather paranoid at times.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
yuki (ゆき、雪)..
my punk brought back a birdy this time. caught him just in time for the "eating session". managed to "pause" him for a minute or two, just so i was able to take a shot of the birdy.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Award: Este Blog Investe E Acredita Na. Proximidade!

received a foreign award from -alice-. interesting as we don't understand the language. after translating it in google, it became .. well, most probably mean "this blog was put together with a lot of thoughts"? like what alice mentioned, as long as it is something good, it can be shared.
thanks for the award!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny (2002)

season 2 of Gundam Seed isn't as good as its season 1 (Mobile Suit Gundam Seed). focused even more on personal hatreds n conflicts, n a little too much repetitive scenes to miss. however, there are more fancy gundams introduced in this second season.
this unique season has something different, which is the existence of the "Final Plus" (選ばれた未来) episode - a remake of the Final Phase (episode 50), with slight change in storyline n a lengthened battle, together with an epilogue to the series. the remake is due to complains received after episode 50 was aired. overall, i would still prefer seed over destiny.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
though threaten by the way she does her work, we are in absolutely no position to isolate nor judge her as a person. being led, the rest of the crew attacked her mercilessly. out of selfishness, chose neither to attack nor defend. with crossed fingers, hoping she wouldn't take it as dreadfully as imagined.
悪い首謀者がいる ..
Friday, November 14, 2008
Tag: 19 Questions

was tagged by -雯- to answer the following 19 questions to reveal my inner thoughts. it may not be deep, but definitely involved the "current" me.
(1) when is my birthday?
i'm a leo, go figure.
(2) what is your most favorite thing to do?
slack while enjoying an anime marathon.
(3) what kind of news do you read?
anything online mostly.
(4) have you committed any crime?
none that landed me in jail.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
kitty vs. yin yang (阴阳)..
somehow the perfect proportion of the cuddling cats gave me the very impression of yin yang (阴阳). doesn't the thought occur to you as well? :D
yin yang (阴阳) is often used in Taoism, to describe the intertwined relation of opposing forces. Many natural dualities - dark n light, female n male, low n high, positive n negative - are cast as yin yang
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Award: I Love Your Blog
was awarded the lovely "I love your blog" award by -sharon-. to reassure her that the award won't end here, i'm gonna pass it to some of my favorite blogs.
-akira- the most enthusiastic commenter.
-alice- the mommy blogger.
-barbie- the princess who truthfully cares.
-cometh- a definitely-not-made-for-cat person, so he proved.
-deimos- the serious blogger.
-joshua- the artist who teaches, a cat lover.
-rollakid- the corolla supporter, another cat lover.
-sharon- the adorable blogger.
-雯- the blogger who speaks her mind.
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