Monday, May 23, 2011

Dragon Crisis (2011)

Dragon Crisis

Ryuji was a normal high school boy until his cousin, Eriko returned from the overseas. Ryuji was dragged along for Eriko's attempt to grab a box from a group of professionals. during the havoc, the box was opened n revealed a red dragon who took form of a young girl, whom they later named Rose. to protect Rose from being abducted, Ryuji had to apply his skill as a relic handler, which he denied n avoided for a long time.

the anime reminded me of Toradora (2008), where Rose behaved n had a temper as fiery as Taiga! it was rumored that Dragon Crisis (2011) was an unofficial sequel of Toradora (2008). the anime started with packed action n little explanation, which was a huge attraction n easily took us along for the ride. the story was fast, interesting, n always showing something new. it was so much fun, the 12 episodes were simply not enough to satisfy!

some background on the anime:
- episodes: 12
- director: Hideki Tachibana (橘秀樹)
- released: 2011
- language: Japanese
- genre: Fantasy/Romance

Dragon Crisis
Dragon Crisis
Dragon Crisis
Dragon Crisis
Dragon Crisis


  1. "it was so much fun, the 12 episodes were simply not enough to satisfy!"

    Don't ya just hate when a season is over; making you eagerly anticipating the next? Well, I guess that's why they do it, to keep ya coming back - HA!

    Hope you had a FAB day, Levian!

  2. Another anime series that I never heard before. Thanks for the info!

  3. ron:
    i absolutely do! i agree with you, because of that we can't help but to anticipate further, hopefully a second season would be best!

    you're most welcomed!
