Saturday, July 14, 2012

Letters to Juliet (2010)

Letters to Juliet

Sophie decided to go to Italy with her fiancé Victor for a pre-honeymoon. however Victor was a workaholic, unmoved by the romance of Italy, fully utilizing his time to research for his restaurant. wandering in the city, Sophie discovered an unanswered letter among many letters written to Juliet, it was from Claire, written in 1957. she was determined to find Juliet to reply to that letter. she found out that these letters were answered by a group of ladies who called themselves the "secretaries of Juliet". she was asked to send a reply for that letter, which soon led to her meeting with the elderly Claire, together with her grandson Charlie. despite Charlie's unwillingness to go about searching for Claire's long lost love Lorenzo, they tracked down all possible Lorenzoes to fulfill Claire's final request.

the film was unexpectedly good! we assumed watching a typical romance, pleasantly surprised that there were actually a plot behind it. Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) was intelligent and charming, leading and bringing out all the feelings for the film. we were so connected that i can't help shedding a tear or two when the feeling just simply overwhelmed me. it was so emotional yet entertaining watching Sophie and Charlie fighting among themselves, which like Claire, we were more than convinced that they were absolutely meant for each other.

some backgrounds on the movie:
- director: Gary Winick
- released: 2010
- casts: Amanda Seyfried, Marcia DeBonis, Gael García Bernal, Christopher Egan, Vanessa Redgrave
- language: English
- genre: Comedy/Romance

Letters to Juliet
Letters to Juliet
Letters to Juliet
Letters to Juliet
Letters to Juliet

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