Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Tsuritama (2012)


Yuki lived with his grandmother, whose career required them to be relocated frequently. he had difficulty making friends, because whenever he felt anxious, he would froze and not being able to breathe. this time, they arrived at the island of Enoshima, where Haru, carrying a fish bowl on top of his head, came knocking on their door and insisting that they would be living in the same house together.

the anime started out slightly confusing. Yuki was an awkward boy, constantly followed by Haru and his talking fish. where they later met with the Fishing Prince Natsuki, and Akira, the Indian boy with a pet duck. the story was all about this group of misunderstood kids who bonded from fishing and became close friends. there were enough background revealed to engage us emotionally, where their relationship became heartwarming to watch.

some background on the anime:
- episodes: 12
- director: Kenji Nakamura (中村健治)
- released: 2012
- language: Japanese
- genre: Science-Fiction


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