Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Tari Tari (2012)

Tari Tari

Konatsu was in her last year of high school. she was rejected to sing with everyone in the chorus club, because the teacher said she wasn't special enough. she quit the club and came up with the idea of making a new chorus club, inviting her 2 best friends, Sakai and Okita, to join. Sakai originally had a dream of pursuing music but a certain tragedy made her abandon the path. Okita's dream was to ride professionally. with these dreams in their heart, they finished the last year of their high school lives.

Tari Tari (2012) wasn't anime that broke new ground. there were nothing special or particularly stunning about the series, but like Hyouka (2012) or K-On (2009-2011), school life itself was interesting enough to be absolutely enjoyable and fun. the 5 friends had different dreams but shared a common interest in music. they sang for the joy of singing, making their newly formed club rewarding. there were as always, plenty of school dramas and humors. in overall, being a lighthearted series, Tari Tari (2012) did stunningly well.

some background on the anime:
- episodes: 13
- director: Masakazu Hashimoto (橋本昌和)
- released: 2012
- language: Japanese
- genre: Comedy/Drama

Tari Tari
Tari Tari
Tari Tari
Tari Tari
Tari Tari

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