Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Grandmaster (2013)

The Grandmaster

Ipman was a grandmaster of Wing Chun, a martial art. he lived a peaceful live with his family in Foshan. however things changed when Yutian, a master from the northern China, announced that he was retired and appointed Masan as his heir. he requested that the south were to have their heir as well. however, after a conflicted meeting, the master died, Masan was kicked out of the tribe, leaving behind the angry daughter of the master, Gonger. she sought out Ipman, challenged him to regaine her family's honor.

with stunning visuals and some crunchy fight sequences, the story took place especially during the anti-Japanese war. Ipman and Gonger had to fight for their family and dignity for martial arts. while Ipman failed to return to his family on time, Gonger broke off an engagement and remained single for the rest of her life. this version of Ipman was much more likable than the other films, Gonger was a respectable woman of her time as well. despite the delicious fighting scenes, their romance unfortunately never did have a chance to bloom.

some backgrounds on the movie:
- director: 王家卫
- released: 2013
- casts: 梁朝伟, 章子怡, 宋慧乔, 康李, 张震, 袁和平, 梁小龙, 张晋, 何佩瑜, 张智霖, 赵本山, 罗莽, 袁祥仁, 徐錦江, 戚冠军
- language: English
- genre: Action

The Grandmaster
The Grandmaster
The Grandmaster
The Grandmaster
The Grandmaster

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