Thursday, December 26, 2013

Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist (2013)
魔界王子 Devils and Realist

Makai Ouji

William was forced to search for valuable items around the house that could be converted into cash after his uncle's business failed. he reached an underground room and found a magical seal left by his ancestor. William unintentionally summoned a demon called Dantalion. it was later revealed that William was chosen as an acting ruler of the demon world.

despite being unoriginal, after finishing the first episode, it became difficult to not continue watching the remaining series. after realizing that he was a demon summoner, William had to balance his normal life as well as ruling hell together with Dantalion. there were quite a lot of fillers for each episode, making the fights felt somewhat rushed at times. putting aside the comedic effect, the series was extremely enjoyable, sometimes making one laugh, even cry along with its characters.

some background on the anime:
- episodes: 12
- director: Chiaki Kon (千秋今)
- released: 2013
- language: Japanese
- genre: Fantasy/Supernatural

Makai Ouji
Makai Ouji
Makai Ouji
Makai Ouji
Makai Ouji

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