Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thematic Apperception Test 主题统觉测验


Thematic Apperception Test

1) 图中的女人为何掩面?她的情绪是怎样的?
A: 悲伤,女人发现丈夫的婚外情
B: 忧虑,丈夫酒醉在床上
C: 关心,丈夫病重躺在床上,可能即将死去

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Restaurant City (Game Screenshot)

having finally reached the maximum level for a playfish game in facebook, some kid came up to me n decided to accuse me of hacking. requesting repetitively for me to reveal my so-called secret, my explanation of having "Patience" being the main factor was a complete failure.

as impatient as i am, i am proud to be consistent when i set my mind to something. insulting me for my effort is extremely intolerable! i am, still, surprised with myself for holding back, instead of firing at the kid.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Myself, Yourself (2007)

Myself, Yourself

returning to his hometown after 5 years, though most had remained, he realized everyone was hiding an unspoken past just as he was hiding one. sworn to protect those that he loved, he resolved their problem. this is a simple schoolgirl anime with a slight turn to make it interesting. worth a catch if you are interested in each of their problem.

Monday, April 27, 2009

On the Road.

Piggy's Ride (Photograph)

my first drive on the road was dreamlike. being a complete clone, i repeated every single move he made, every blink of the signal light, or every press on the brake pedal. a feeling of being so near yet so far washed through me, a blended emotion suppressed by excitement; the lonesomeness soon flushed down the drain receiving a playful phone call from the driver straight ahead.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Award/Tag: Me

Levian (Photograph)

was awarded the Friendly Blogger Award by -sharon-, which required me to post a current photograph of myself. with another similar tag following close behind, -david- required the same thing of me. it shall thus be combined into 1 post. n to some bloggers that requested me to post my current photograph every now n then (you know who you are), here you go!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Zodiacs: Personalities

Doll (Picture)

the AIR signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
Intellectual, Logical, Flirtatious, Sarcastic, Impatient, Spiteful, Communicative, Flighty, Debating, Confrontations, Romantic, Independent.

Elements Compatibility:
Air rises high with exciting Fire signs.
Air blends with sensual Water signs.
Air is independent with responsible Earth signs.
Air with Air blow in all directions.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Building Cars People First.

Perodua Slogan (Photograph)

i had never been able to understand the slogan no matter how many times i mouthed it. it doesn't seemed to make any sense. digging through the internet, i found the following statement:
"We build our people first, before we build our cars",
said the Perodua’s Chairman.
so does the slogan make better sense to you than it does to me?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Resident Evil: Degeneration (2008)

Resident Evil: Degeneration

originally from the Resident Evil video game, Degeneration used the same set n universe as the original video games, unrelated to the Resident Evil Films. the animation was rather slow considering the suspense factor being high. however the CG was awesome! the scene with the fully transformed G-virus affected monster was the peak of it all.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Sky (Photograph)

just as putting together a Jigsaw Puzzle, life never do comes easily. every trip, every stumble has its purpose to serve. how many of us had secretly wished for a backdoor or simpler path along the struggles that surface from time to time? one of the most determined person i know will definitely say "i can do it".

whenever coming across one's whining, "i wish i can do this", "i wish i can do that", a slight sadness would flow through me. often bothered n hoping the person would realize n realistically Reach Out for their "wishes" instead. it is never easy talking oneself out of their dreamy state. we can wish for the world yet do nothing about it.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Kitty (SE k550i)

lunch at the coffee shop, the cat has no intention to move even when we were seated. enjoying n napping in its spot with a full tummy, it seemed pretty contented.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Jigsaw Puzzle.

Jelly (Photograph)

though being impatient, jigsaw had always stayed within my interest zone. rarely own one due to the price issue. spending the whole sunday fondling with the tiny pieces trying to combine as many among the thousand as possible. both gotten agitated as time dragged on, yet having fun messing around while cheering each other on. the focus suddenly shifted from the outcome of completing a puzzle to the process of supporting each other mentally. something so simple yet sipped in so secretly sweet.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Personality Test

Doll (Picture)

SITUATION: You are in a deep forest, as you walk on you saw an old hut in distance.
  1. What is the status of the door?

  2. You enter the hut and see a table, what is the shape of the table?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Minami-ke Okawari みなみけ~おかわり~ (2008)

Minami-ke: Okawari

a continuous sequel of the previous season. similar plot, with the 3 sisters living together. the ending episode's sisterly love was touching enough to draw tears into my eyes. the drawings however was slightly different compare to its first season, could due to the change of director? waiting for the currently airing season 3 to complete. again, from a different director.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Alien vs. Predator

Alien vs. Predator (Chess)

the advertisement posters was created for DDB New Zealand. comes in 3 versions: playing chess, swingball, n pool. though putting together 2 enemies, the posters turned out to be very believing n catchy. perfectly done!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

yuki (ゆき、雪)..

Yuki (SE k550i)

early in the morning, he sat on the table out on the porch. not in the mood to pay any attention to me as the gate opened, watchful for the dogs outside, though it's very unlikely any would dare to dash in.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Thank You.

Chocolate Snacks (Photograph)

right after the trip, exhausted on the next working day, the computer decided to abandon me with a deadly blue-screen. for 2 days i was unable to perform my works, neither follow any blog. now that i have returned, though followed closely with a hectic schedule, i will continue to support you, especially you who have supported me while i was away. with much gratitude i thank You for your Love!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tag: Zzz

Doll (Picture)

on the 20th march, which is also the "World Sleep Day" according to -tekkaus-, i was tagged to complete the Sleep related tag. truly the very first time i was asked questions such as these, making them rather interesting to put into words!

  1. how do you sleep at night? do you drop off easily or does it take a while to get to sleep?
    it depends completely on my emotions - if i feel good, i could drop off any minute; if i am anxious, i could be tossing n turning whole night, which often leads to nightmare or hangover the day after.

  2. what strategies, if needed, do you use to get to sleep?
    watching lots n lots of anime until my eyes can no longer stay open; books too, work like charms at times.

  3. what strategies do you have to get back to sleep?
    lay back down n let the darkness regain its control. as long as i wasn't awaken in shock, i should be able to go back to sleep easily.

  4. are your dreams affected? are they anxious and wake you up in a sweat? or are they peaceful and undisturbed?
    it depends on my emotions as well - the dreams are either soothing n enjoying; or i will be running or battling.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Minami-ke みなみけ (2007)


a very entertaining anime, slightly similar to Lucky Star for its lightheartedness. the 3 Minami (南) sisters lived together. each with a different personality, which made their life very interesting!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Award: Sweet Brigaderio

Sweet Brigaderio Award

was awarded the Sweet Brigaderio award by -david-. according to him, brigaderio is a popular brazilian chocolate candy. indeed awards n tags always managed to make blogging so much more interesting than it already is!

grateful for such a sweet award, i am sharing it with more blogging buddies - akira - ayie - barbie - cashmere - cometh - eastcoastlife - foongpc - jl - jolene - joshua - life ramblings - monica - renaye - sharon - tekkaus - vialentino - 佩雯 - 宝茹 - for dropping by n making each others' blogs interesting!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

yuki (ゆき、雪)..

Yuki (SE k550i)

so prey catching isn't enough, he has to fend off "enemies" that set foot in his (our) territory. honorable yet painful. covered with scars n dirt, he came home defeated. that instant, he was no longer proud but small, as pride were ripped away forcefully. awaiting him was a fearful shower n a long shivering drying-session.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Doll (Picture)

白羊座 (3/21-4/19)

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Mobile Stand.

Mobile Phone Stand (Photograph)

a simple gift she brought back triggered my giggling. nothing too expensive, nor too fancy, but right what i needed. turning the town upside down searching for months, yet failed to come across a suitable choice. laughing hard at this little thing, i was thrilled squeezing it tightly in my palm.


Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Tag: Right Now


was tagged by -david- to complete the "Right Now" tag. the basic premise is to answer all the questions based on Now. an interesting tag! i completed it using my free time in office, however, the post will be scheduled to post during night time.

  1. where is your cellphone?
    right beside my mouse, on the desk.

  2. your hair?
    long n tied up.

  3. your father?
    at home.

  4. your favorite thing?

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Virus Removal: Conficker


thanks to -alex-, i manged to understand a little bit more about the Conficker worm since my last Introduction Post. fortunately, nothing much happened on the 1st of April as the rumor was spread. sharing a little resolution just in case any of you are interested.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Monopoly: Saidina.

Saidina (Photograph)

like UNO, Saidina (a property trading game similar to Monopoly) operates under the Luck factor. strategist mastery skill of planning far ahead not required, a game much more direct compare to the Chinese Chess.

no, my math did not improve after nonstop calculations of the thousands n millions. the reason? i had a human calculator sitting right across me! proven to be both efficient n amazingly dexterous.


Sunday, April 05, 2009

Which Tarot Card Are You?


You are JUDGMENT (Rejuvenation): Happiness, Content, Joy.

Judgment is related to the Hebrew letter Shin, which is fiery and spiritual. A break from the past, going forward.

With Fire as its ruling element, Judgment is about rebirth or resurrection. The idea of Judgment day is that the dead rise, their sins are forgiven, and they move onto heaven. The Judgment card is similar, it asks the resurrection to summon the past, forgive it, and let it go. There are wounds from the past that we never let heal, sins we've committed that we refuse to forgive, bad habits we haven't the courage to lose. Judgment advises us to finally face these, recognize that the past is past, and put them to rest, absolutely and irrevocably.

This is also a card of healing, quite literally from an accident or illness, as well as a card signaling great transformation, renewal, change.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Bus Gamer ビズゲーマー (2007)

Bus Gamer

a very short anime, which has a good start but no ending, which very much leave me hanging, unsatisfied. the 3 strangers teamed up for a game - the Bus Game, a dogfight that each team had to collect the opponent disc to proceed to the next level. with different personalities they conquered the game, defending for their life for the money reward.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Edible Play-Doh

Edible Play-doh (Picture)

remember play-doh, the expensive version of our commonly found plasticine? here is a new version that you're supposed to Eat! unsure which company produced it since it was created to heat up a Toy Fair. it was said to be sweet n tasty. dare to try?

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Gundam Virtue

Gundam Virtue (Photograph)
(photograph taken with my SE k550i)

unrequited love? mum said it looked like he kidnapped her. for me, despite their difference in size, it felt more Romantic than horrific. an idea, of course, contributed by -piggy-, the mastermind.
for extra information:
Gunpla (ガンプラ) refers to gundam plastic model. more commonly refers to the practice of building the models, rather than the models themselves.
by the way, if you recognize the school girl, do let me know who she is or which anime she is from. thanks in advance!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Sky (Photograph)

as much as i love to be myself, i am sometimes afraid of it. having the tendency to react in haste instead of responding calmly, jumping into something thoughtlessly seemed to be something i am keen on doing.

for my personal definition, Predictability is a form of Security; knowing what n how someone will react towards any situations soothes my anxiety, gets me comfortable hanging around that person. never cared enough to put it into words, but now it obviously is. does it apply to you as well?
