Saturday, March 10, 2012

No. 6 (2011)

No. 6

Shion lived a comfortable life in No.6, one of the remaining cities created after the last great war. one day a boy called Nezumi who ran away from the authorities landed in Shion's room, Shion helped him and was stripped of all his privileges for helping a fugitive. 4 years later, Shion experienced incidents that took the lives of those around him, caused by deadly parasites that lived inside its victim's body. on the way being transported to the authorities, Nezumi rescued him and he began to uncover the truth behind No.6.

No.6 turned out to be not the Utopia that it was meant to be. the journey Shion and Nezumi took to uncover the mystery was slow but the speed gradually picked-up at the second half of the anime. the opposite characteristics between Shion and Nezumi was an important aspect for its plot, making their collision somewhat realistic and refreshing. the plot was unique and unlikely to come across, which made it all the more entertaining to guess our way till the very end.

some background on the anime:
- episodes: 11
- director: Kenji Nagasaki (長崎健司)
- released: 2011
- language: Japanese
- genre: Psychological/Science-fiction

No. 6
No. 6
No. 6
No. 6
No. 6

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