Monday, February 17, 2014

Hours (2013)


the story took place in New Orleans, just before Hurricane Katrina hits. Abigail gave birth to a premature baby before she died, leaving the critical conditioned baby to the father, Nolan. the baby had to be kept in an incubator. but when the hurricane stroke, all power went out and everyone in the hospital evacuated. Nolan decided to stay since his baby couldn't be moved. he sought out power generator to keep the incubator running. unfortunately he found one that only last few minutes after every boost. he was forced to stay awake while waiting for someone to come rescue them.

seeing the film after learning about Paul Walker's death was somewhat eerie. while the film seemed like another low budget film, Nolan was highly relatable. his determination of keeping his baby alive was understandable and definitely believable. the film managed to apply minimal setup and created maximum suspense for us viewers. despite being predictable, the storyline was also tight enough to move the story along just nicely.

some backgrounds on the movie:
- director: Eric Heisserer
- released: 2013
- casts: Paul Walker, Genesis Rodriguez, Nancy Nave, Shane Jacobsen, Natalia Safran, TJ Hassan, Lena Clark
- language: English
- genre: Thriller


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