Friday, February 28, 2014

The Palace Lock Sinensis (2013)


ChenXiang was like other young girls who got sent into the Palace. they had to work until the age of 25 before they would be released. she became best friends with LiuLi, a girl who saved her from being bullied. from the very beginning, ChenXiang had been loving the 13th Prince from afar. one day, LiuLi had her eyes set on the 9th Prince. she went ahead and seduce the prince but was heartbroken when she was tossed aside. ChenXiang on the other hand, met with the 13th Prince with a handkerchief over her face. when the 13th Prince came looking for her, LiuLi lied that she was the one the prince met, grabbing at the chance to marry the 13th Prince.

the film, like all its predecessors, were absolutely stunning to look at. the storyline was equally entertaining if not rushed. their characteristics were easy to understand and half way through the film, it was clear where everyone would eventually ended up in. but despite having an obvious flow for its plot, it was just too good to be true. i found myself enjoying every moment that was given to develop the romance between ChenXiang and the 13th Prince. with her being such a passive character compared to LiuLi, was somewhat frustrating to watch. fortunately the downfall of the 13th Prince brought out the courage in her and eventually, they were reunited.

some backgrounds on the movie:
- director: 潘安子
- released: 2013
- casts: 周冬雨, 陈晓, 趙麗穎, 朱梓骁, 陸毅, 趙文瑄, 邬君梅, 包貝爾, 王雙
- language: Mandarin
- genre: Drama/Romance

- 宫锁心玉 (2011)
- 宫锁珠帘 (2012)
- 我为宫狂 (2013)
- 宫锁沉香 (2013)
- 宫锁连城 (2014)


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