the 6-episodes OAV (Original Animated Video) was adapted from its 10-volumes manga (漫画) released in year 2006-2009, by Harutoshi Fukui (福井晴敏). the OAV was premiered in March 2010, releasing 2 episodes per year.
its plot took place in Gundam's UC (Universal Century) timeline, where a space colony called Laplace was destroyed. the story followed a boy called Banagher, 3 years later, who lived among the space colonies. his life changed after rescuing a girl called Audrey, who said she wanted to prevent a war. their encounter brought him into contact with Gundam n its connection to Laplace's Box, which hold great secret tied to the origins of UC.
the anime managed to make an old manga looked very attractive! visually, it felt like a blend of classic Gundam presented with modern animation. i have yet watched the OAV myself, but is definitely looking forward to it!