the film was based on the comic book and cartoon series. McCullen was a weapon master, who created a nano-tech weapon capable of destroying a city. the Nato troops, led by Duke, was hired to deliver the dangerous warheads. they were ambushed by Baroness, Duke's ex-fiancee. they were rescued and took to the Pit, a G.I. Joe's command center led by General Hawk. McCullen planned to use the warheads to cause panic and to gain control over the world after saving the civilians from the warheads. the Joes pursued Baroness with the aim of stopping them from launching the warheads.
despite using characters from the G.I. Joe cartoon series, there were little resemblance. the film was mostly action based, with cool weapons and a clear lines drawing between the good and bad guys. the plot managed to stay on the surface, leaving characters involvement to the minimal. we weren't engage in Duke's shock in finding Baroness involved with the ambush, nor the excitement of the chase. if not compared to its cartoon series, the film may turned out to be one entertaining action flick.