the story took place in the same village as the previous sequel, where it was completely sealed off due to a mysterious virus since 1983. with its recent outbreak, casuing Rika to be infected, Keiichi and Rena had to deal with the outbreak, also hoping to find a cure for Rika. like all its sequels, the series showed how everything went bad since the outbreak. the difference was being able to see the continuation flow from the beginning until the very end.
the series was very similar to the previous installments. Rena being covered in blood was again expected, along with the familiar characters including Hinamizawa. while this installment seemed to give the idea of the whole series being concluded, it was hard to believe. the story was very fast-paced, though sometimes childish but fortunately, still tolerable. some dialogues did a great job in explaining the originally mysterious plot, which was a great help since it was almost impossible to understand the world that they lived in.